
To find a kiosk site near you click on the map or enter information below:

Found 29,642 locations

Due to possible disruptions associated with COVID-19, kiosk access to and operating hours at the listed kiosk locations may be impacted. If you have questions about a kiosk site, including current kiosk access, what can be disposed of, and hours of operation, contact the kiosk site directly. If you are not able to visit a kiosk and have immediate disposal needs visit the FDA website for additional guidance and be sure to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local legal requirements.

Convenient Disposal

The Locator identifies information on kiosk sites that may be available to patients for disposing of unwanted, unused, or expired medicines from households.  If you have questions about a kiosk site, including what can be disposed of and hours of operation, contact the kiosk site directly.


Disclaimer: PPSWG has compiled the list of kiosk sites based on publicly available information for your convenience, but does not guarantee the accuracy of any of the information. PPSWG does not endorse and denies any responsibility or liability for the kiosk sites listed, or for processes they employ for collection, transportation, treatment or disposal of the medicines they collect.



To learn more about safely disposing of home-generated used sharps or needles visit Safe Needle

Help Us Stay Current!

If you have an unwanted, unused, or expired medicine kiosk site and would like to add it to the map or update the information on the map, please let us know!